respect for the variety of processes that only hands can build

established in 2020 In Sydney, Australia, the studio emerges from a desire to continuously transform our thoughts into various forms of expression, always guided by our hands.
Close-up of a hand wearing three metal rings on a dark background

the space between where we are and where we aspire to be inspires us

our creations are deeply rooted in nature, spirituality, art movements, architecture, feelings and science. each piece carries profound meaning, transcending the ornamentation with rich symbolism and intention. we aim to perpetuate art through a slow, thoughtful, and responsible process, crafting pieces that resonates beyond aesthetics
standing as craftsman's, believers in the exquisite power of human connection, and the timeless beauty of sustainable practices
handcrafted with care, our creations embody our unwavering commitment to venerable craftsmanship and the surrounding environment
each piece, born from our dedication to low-scale production, is a testament to purposeful creativity
we thrive on the belief that all is possible when attention is given to the potential within each moment, each material, each design. it is this passion for exploration that drives us to uncover infinite possibilities, transforming raw elements into timeless works 
"creating today is a responsibility beyond form. It demands awareness—of material, process, and impact. we work with intention, honouring raw matter by minimising waste and choosing only recycled metals. sustainability is not a feature of what we do; it is woven into every stage, from creation to packaging. each piece carries this quiet commitment."

— Bruno Leonardo Candido, creative director